Current Donors


Christofor Foundation 

James Venner Russell Foundation 

Lockhart Foundation 

MacMurray Foundation 

McCain Foundation

McKean Foundation 

Michael and Margaret Wennberg Foundation 

New Brunswick Children’s Foundation 

Pannell Family Foundation

Sir James Dunn Foundation 

Sisters of Charity of The Immaculate Conception

UCT Jack Kidd




Canadian Heritage 

Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission

Province of New Brunswick

The Department of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada


Corporate Donors

Atlantic Lottery Corporation 


RBC Foundation 

TD Bank Group 


Best Friends

Alfred & Kathie Brien

Allen & Carol Rosevear

Carole & Ian MacFarquhar 

Christopher Bryniak 

Derek & Jacqueline Oland

Donald Mitchener

Dr. Eshwar and Vittu Kumar 

Emile & Maureen Paras

Heather & Doug Crowley

H Brian & Linda A Reid 

Heather White Brittain & James Brittain 

Hope H. Hunter 

Ian Stead & Karen Stephen

Jim Kokocki 

J Ladds & Joanne W Batten

Joan McGrattan

John Lea 

W David & Judith Jamieson 

Len & Lois Stewart

Linda Spires 

Lynn and Connell Smith 

Marny Robinson 

Matthew & Marilyn Reid 

Michele & Anthony Flarow 

Nancy Creamer Ervin & Patrick Ervin 

Paul Craig 

Paul & Jean Small 

Paul and Suzanne O’Leary (In Memory of Carm & Joe Gormley) 

Peter D. Smith 

RBC Wealth Management 

Robert & Karen MacKinnon 

Robert Young

Ronald and Miranda Lees 

Ron Buckley 

Sandra Friars

SM Hunter Holdings Limited 

Dr. Steven Bryniak and Dr. Nancy Grant 

Vlocity Transportation & Logistics

W David & Judith Jamieson


Good Friends

Angela Campbell 

Anne & John Jarvie

Blair & Diane Borgerson

Caroline & John Doubt

Cathy LeBouthillier

Cheryl M.G. Robertson & In Memory of Faye LeBel & Gordon LeBel

David Meek

Doris Chesley 

Emile & Maureen Paras

Gary Caines

Gloria MacGowan

James & Mary Stokes- Rees

Joan McGrattan 

Kathy Chopin

Lang & Fu Wealth Management Group, RBC Dominion Securities 


Linda Foster 

Marie Murphy 

Mary & Barry Roderick 

Mel Norton 

Michelle & Dave Sherrard

Paul Craig 

Roberta Clark 

Ruth McLeese 

Suzanne Irving

Tom & Mona Crowley 

Yolanda Kippers 



Angela Davis

Anne Menzies 

Annie Chan 

Benevity Community Impact Fund 

Bernadette Fernandes 

Beth & Gary Lawson 

Brian Steeves

Carol-Ann Noble 

Carl & Betty Tompkins

Caroline & John Doubt

Catherine Doucette 

Charles Goss

Cheryl M.G.Robertson In memory of Faye and Gordon LeBel

Dahlia Das 

Dale Harris

Darren McLeod

Dan Zhang

David & Mary Beaudin

Deborah Richardson

Derrick & Linda Bishop 

Eckart Schroeter

Eleanor Austin & John Dever 

Fred Johnston

George E. McCaffrey

George & Lynda Fisk 

Gertrude Haslett

Gillen Reed

Haley Brittain 

Jamie Grant 

Jane Fullerton 

Janice Yeomans 

Jasmine & James Mosher 

Jim Kokocki

Joanne Keith 

John & Mary Martin

John & Adrienne Buckley

Joyce Robertson 

June Fowlie 

Kathleen Keith 

Kathleen Matheson 

Kathleen Morris 

Katherine Wright 

Liane Thibodeau

Li Song 

Mary-Ellen Howard Ferguson

Marie Murphy 

Mary Power 

Michael Sadavoy 

Michelle & David Sherrard

Mike and Nancy Owens 

Mona & Doug Crowley

Nicole Kruppi

Patti Breaker 

Paul and Kathleen McLellan 

Pauline Cronin 

Peter Murphy and Catherine Daley (In memory of) 

Peter D. Smith 

Ralph MacLean 

Raymond and Shirley Gorman 

Richard & Christine Sancton 

Rich Daley 

Robert Foster 

Ronald Catchick

Shirley Banks 

Shirley Young

Susan J. Smith

Suzanne Johnston   

Tom & Mona Crowley 

Verna Mills 


Memorial Donations

In memory of Lily Fortune (1) 

In memory of Patti Stephen (1)